We are delighted to be sponsoring nine sessions at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2018. Deadlines are early February (see specific calls for exact date).
A Critical Geopolitics of Data? Territories, topologies, atmospherics? organised by Andrew Dwyer, University of Oxford, and Nick Robinson Royal Holloway, University of London.
Digital and Society : Emerging ICT tapestries of exploitation and empowerment organised by Megan Palmer-Abbs, University of Aberdeen, and Matt Reed, Countryside and Community Research Institute.
Digital Representations of Place- Urban Overlays and Digital Justice organised by Mark Graham and Martin Dittus, both of the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
Do algorithms ‘dream’ of space and place? AR and VR as a new frontier of software-mediated spatiality organised by Michal Rzeszewski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, and Leighton Evans, Swansea University.
Geographical landscapes : changing landscapes of geography organised by Tess Osborne (t.c.osborne@pgr.bham.ac.uk), University of Birmingham, and Isabel Williams (I.H.Williams1@newcastle.ac.uk), University of Newcastle.
Futures of Place – Media and emergent social-technical geographies organised by Lakshmi Priya Rajendran and NezHapi Dellé Odeleye
Instant messaging platforms and the geography of protest organised by Carwyn Morris LSE
Interface Geographies organised by James Ash University of Newcastle.
Landscapes of Digital Games organised by Emma Fraser University of Manchester, Jack Lowe Queen Mary, University of London, and Nick Rush-Cooper University of Durham.
Methods and approaches in working with digital social media organised by Jamie Halliwell Manchester Metropolitan University.
‘Publics In-formation: re-thinking smart cities, people, and processes’, organised by Caspar Menkman, Maynooth University and Aoife Delaney, Maynooth University and visiting Fulbright scholar, Urban Planning and Community Development, University of Massachusetts Boston. For details please contact the organisers.
Theorising space and spatiality in digital geographies organised by Clancy Wilmott, Geography, University of Manchester and Emma Fraser, Sociology, University of Manchester.
Understanding the uneven landscapes of smart cities organised by Gillian Rose and Oliver Zanetti, both of the University of Oxford.