Date: 21 June 2024
Location: Elm House, University of Birmingham/Online
Supported by the Institute for STEMM in Culture and Society (ISTEMMiCS)
The conference will provide a space to explore a wide range of topics and contexts where mobilities and the digital intersect as well as the broader societal, cultural and political contexts in which these changes occur. The conference invites papers, practice-based interventions, as well as digital shorts that speak to, but are not limited to, the following themes:
- The differentiated implications and experiences of digitally-mediated mobilities, including in terms of race, gender, dis/ability, or class, as well as other forms of social difference
- The diverse spatialities of digitally-mediated mobilities whether through ground, air, or water
- The (re)shaping of everyday life and movement by and through algorithms, data, and technologies
- Methodological insights or reflections on ways of researching im/mobilities, and its relation to the digital
- Responsible and socially-informed innovation processes in science, technology, and engineering
This year’s conference invites scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and industry experts to contribute to a rich interdisciplinary dialogue that advances a shared understanding of the relationship between mobilities and the digital in contemporary society.
We are seeking the following types of contributions to the symposium:
- Individual Paper – A sole or multi-authored paper exploring empirical, theoretical, or practice-based insights.
- Practice-based Session – An opportunity to showcase innovative and creative approaches. These may be interactive, skills-based, practical or workshop-type contributions.
- Linked Panel/Session – Three to six joint Individual Papers speaking to a coherent theme concerning mobilities and the digital. Or combined Practice-based Sessions, run by three to six attendees.
- Digital shorts – digital shorts are short videos (between 2 and 5 minutes in length) that introduce, or summarise, an aspect of your research. Your recorded video could discuss:
- Recent research findings
- An emerging research idea or interest
- A new or upcoming research output, publication, creative work, etc.
- Research methodology
- Approaches to teaching
- Uses of digital technologies within academia
This format has been deliberately designed to require limited preparation, so is ideal for postgraduates, early career researchers, those with caring responsibilities, or other commitments. You can view examples of digital shorts on the DGRG YouTube channel.
For accessibility purposes, please provide a transcript when submitting a digital short so that your video can be accurately subtitled.
To apply, please submit your contribution format and 250-word abstract via our online submission form before 23rd April 2024.
Registration fees
Every effort has been made to keep costs as low as possible. Full costs for registration will be shared with successful applicants at the registration stage. There will be a range of registration fee options for PhDs, early career researchers, practitioners and those who are unwaged.
Travel Bursaries are available to those who need support in travelling to Birmingham for this event. Bursaries of up to £50 to help cover transportation or hotel costs have been made available thanks to the kind support of the Royal Geographical Society. Applications for bursaries will open alongside the registration form.
* Reduced registration fees for postgraduate and precarious workers, as well as free registration for University of Birmingham students has been made possible thanks to the kind support of the Institute for STEMM in Culture and Society at the University of Birmingham.
Getting to University of Birmingham
For planning purposes, please see the following website for travel guidance for the University of Birmingham. Specific instructions will be shared with attendees.
Conference venue
The conference will take place at Elm House, University of Birmingham as well as online.
Please see information on getting to Elm House in this PDF Elm House Location and Directions.pdf
A campus accessibility map is available here edgbaston-campus-map-mobility.pdf