Date: Friday 6 July 2018
Hosted by: The RGS-IBG Digital Geographies Working Group
Location: The Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS), The University of Sheffield
The theme for the 2018 DGWG Symposium will be “Justice and the Digital”. We will explore ideas including digital (in-)visibilities, voice/voicelessness online, data ethics and data justice, digital divides in access and affordability, uneven digital literacies, justice and inclusion in digitally mediated/smart cities, using digital forms of protest to address social and environmental (in-)justice, and many more. The event will bring together those working in all sub-disciplines of geography, interested in digital geographies. The day will feature exciting panels with high-profile researchers and practitioners as well as three participatory strands of talks, ‘digital shorts’ from members at all career stages, and discussions. The strands are:
1) Citizenship, Protest and the Digital
2) Data, Justice and the Smart City
3) Justice and Global Digital Inequalities
There will be time for networking and socialising on the day of the Symposium and, on the day after, on an optional “walk and talk” leisurely hiking excursion in the nearby Peak District National Park.
Registration is £25 (standard) and £15 (postgraduate and un-waged). Bursaries are available (see below).
Please click here to Register
[Please visit the RGS website to see how we manage your data]
In order to represent the breadth of research taking in justice and digital geographies, to ensure everyone attending can get their work ‘out there’, and to facilitate networking, participants are invited to give a 2-minute ‘digital short’. These were very popular at our last symposium. Digital shorts are invited that sit within each of the three conference strands: Citizenship, Protest and the Digital; Data, Justice and the Smart City and Justice and Global Digital Inequalities. They will be delivered to colleagues in your area of expertise in the parallel sessions. If you wish to present, when booking your ticket please indicate on the Eventbrite form which parallel session you wish to attend and what your provisional title will be. Closer to the time, further details on sending in your digital short will be emailed to you via the address provided upon booking.
Please click here to Register and to submit your Digital Short Abstract
Bursaries Information announcement
The Digital Geographies Working Group (DGWG) has a diverse membership spread throughout the different regions of the UK and beyond. This year, our Annual Symposium is being held in the north of England, at the University of Sheffield. As such, we are able to offer a limited number of travel bursaries of up to £50 thanks to the RGS-IBG sponsorship. The bursaries can be used to cover travel, accommodation, and registration fee. Anyone who does not have access to departmental/ institutional funding for conference attendance is eligible to apply.
Priority will be given to DGWG members, those planning to contribute a Digital Short, and PhD students/early career researchers.
Please use the application form and return it to Dr. Hannah Awcock by the deadline of the 30th May. Please send your application by email to with the subject line: DGWG Bursary Application.
Please clickhere to download Bursaries Application Form.
Outline of the day
Time | |
10:00—10:30 | Registration |
10:30—11:45 | Welcome and Opening Panel |
11:45—1:00 | Strands Part 1 |
1:00—2:00 | Lunch |
2—3:30 | Strands Part 2 |
3:30—4:00 | Coffee Break |
4:00—5:00 | Closing Panel with panelists from each strand |
5:00 | Pub |
Walk and talk in the Peak District on 7 July
Following a stimulating Symposium, attendees are encouraged to stay until Saturday (7 July) so they can join in a ‘walk and talk’ leisurely hiking excursion in the nearby Peak District National Park, starting from the village of Hathersage and ending in a country pub, ending in time for participants to catch trains in the evening.
Participants can book their accommodation in Sheffield and come to Hathersage on a train (20min train ride). Affordable shared accommodation in Hathersage has been secured for those interested for the night of 6 July, however, each attendee must make their reservation individually. For more information on shared accommodation please email Sammia Poveda.
Download a PDF with this information here.
Venue details here.