Our first event, Revolution, Evolution, Imposition a fun and proactive event, was full of various kinds of short presentations, and opportunities to engage and interact. Held at the Royal Geographical Society in London on 30 June, it was live streamed on the day. Click here to watch the video recorded proceedings.
Materiality: some interesting discussions going on
Next 2 mins! Ambient Participation and urban transformation with @rodgers_scott
@iancooketal talking about creating mini games as a creative method!
Gillian Rose: New Media, New Methods. Talking ubiquitous tech, social media, memes and more.
Ayona Datta bringing feminist and post colonial perspectives to our research
The challenges of teaching digital in social sciences provoking great discussion
@joncinnamon on the challenges of working across disciplines and straddling the divide between social science & tech
@andrewcdwyer on his experiences and challenges of working with malware
Ayana Datta: the digital can be a space of violence against women. Cyber bullying is a major issue.
@ProfGillian reflects on the challenges of attempting to learn python coding
@iancooketal “people keep tagging me on twitter”… guilty!
The role of social media and how academics should use it: Should academic accounts be verified by Twitter?
@andrewcdwyer of @OxfordEdGeog & @Ox_CyberSec asking what do we mean when we talk about ‘Digital Geographies’?
@SamMiles87 of @QMULGeography talking sexualiry & the city/ locative media and queer urban Geographies
Ian Tucker of @UEL_News talks Emotional distress in a digital age
Next 2 minute short! Daniel Bos of @OxfordEdGeog with two minutes of playful possibilities: digital games & technologies for social change
@philjonesgeog of @GeogBham with a 2 minute digital short on playful methods
Martin Dodge of @GeographyUOM with a chorography for cyberspace: cables, code and computer history
Cyber Dwyer keeping things going ?
Nick Rush-Cooper of @GeogDurham with 2 minutes of the Geographies of Digital Games now!
Ludovic Rella of @GeogDurham with 2 mins of blockchain tech and digital money!
Next 2 mins! Ambient Participation and urban transformation with @rodgers_scott
@Faxsly up now. 2 minutes of social media use during protests. Talking about challenges of vast data
@maps4thought of @LeicesterGeog 2 minutes of exploring VGI using data mining
Jon Swords of @NorthumbriaUni talking Patronage platforms
New means and methods to approach the study of affect? Thinking digital environments
Does the digital shape the material / physical? ? Economic processes, infrastructure, code… Some of the thoughts on Materiality
Questioning the role of capital. Personal digital securities. Privacy, rights, ownership… Thoughts on Surveillance and Security
Tech for subversive purposes? Digital development and social justice
Digital as a means, not necessarily an end?
Last session of the day. Topics: Temporalities, Digital Development & social justice, Surveillance, Materiality, Mediation & affect
GIS… Pedagogical concerns, power, bridging the gap between Computer Science and Geography?